Products Description
Bilberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus L.) is a kind of perennial deciduous or evergreen fruit shrubs, mainly found in subarctic regions of the world as in Sweden, Finland and Ukraine, etc. Bilberries contain dense levels of anthocyanin pigments, which was said popularly to have been used by World War II RAF pilots to sharpen night vision. In fork medicine, Europeans have been taking bilberry for a hundred years. Bilberry extracts entered the healthcare market as a kind of dietary supplement for effects on vision enhancement and visual fatigue relief. Chinese Bilberry Vaccinium uliginosum(Vaccinjum uliginosum L.)-based, are a wild species, mainly distributed in northeast, Inner Mongolia,Xinjiang and other provinces. This origins in China are mainly in NorthEast China, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang. The main species is V.uliginosum, plant high 40-60cm. Fruit is ball likely, Blue dark on appearance with rich juice, taste vinegary with sweet. (see the following figure). It is mainly used for wine making, less fruits are eaten.
The extract of its fruits can soft blood capillary, eliminate eyestrain, improve eyesight and delaying cerebral nerve to aging, enhance the heart function and resist cancer. It has curative effect on immunity diseases of blood capillary caused by diabetes.
Main Function
1. Anti-oxident;
2. Enhance the immune system ability;
3. Reduce heart disease and stroke occurred;
4. Help to prevent various free radicals related diseases;
5. Reduce the number of cold and shorten the duration;
6. Enhance flexibility of arteries and veins and blood capillary ;
7. Relaxation vascular so as to promote the blood flow and the high blood pressure;
8. Resistance to the effect of radiation;
9. Promote the retinal cells regeneration, depending on the purple quality, improve eyesight to prevent myopia.